Caring for someone can carry with it a lot of responsibility. Often carers find themselves having to care for someone alone or are unable to see friends or family or generally engage in their community as much as they would like. This can lead to carers feeling lonely and socially isolated.

Our ‘Community Connect’ service aims to reduce social isolation and connect carers with their community. It provides an opportunity for carers to speak to one of our team of volunteers on a regular basis, either about their caring situation or just a chat about anything but their caring role. Our aim is to work with the carer to see how we can help them reconnect with their community, providing information about groups and various activities.

We can also support people where their caring role has ended. Either because the person they have cared for has died or they have moved into permanent residential care. When caring ends it can leave people feeling lost, grieving and not sure what to do after the responsibility of caring has been taken away. Our ‘Community Connect’ volunteers will support carers to make this transition easier.

For more information about this service please call 0114 278 8942 or use our Contact Us Form >>>