Around 60,000 people are providing unpaid care in Sheffield. They are fundamental to the city’s health and social care services and it is estimated the care they provide saves the city £1.2 billion every year. Below are some steps you can take to recognise and support them to continue caring.

Who are unpaid carers?
A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.


Think carer
* Caring for someone can take up a few hours each week, or it could be a 24/7 role.
* Some people ‘are just getting on with it’ so don’t identify themselves as a carer.
* Anyone can be a carer and the majority of us will be at some point in our lives.

Benefits of identifying carers
* Many carers are isolated and have mental and physical health problems.
* With support carers are better able to carry on caring for as long as they want to.
* You can learn from the carer as they know the cared for person best.

How do I identify an unpaid carer?
* By identifying and acknowledging carers you are beginning the support process.
* Don’t ask ‘Are you a carer?’ try ‘ Do you support someone? Do you need support?’
* Have a conversation about their caring role and ask how they are managing.

What you can do is important
* Identify carers as early as possible in their caring journey to prevent crisis.
* Be aware of the expert support available from Sheffield Carers Centre {link}
* Once you have identified a carer refer {link} or signpost {link} to our services.

If you've identified a carer, please use the information below to signpost or refer them to our services.

General referral criteria
• Any adult carer who lives in Sheffield (regardless of where the cared for person lives)
• Any adult carer who provides care for someone who is a resident of Sheffield (adult or child)
• And where the carer has given permission to be referred.

Referral for our Universal Carer Service
When you refer a carer to the Universal Carer Service, they will receive a Welcome Pack and Carer Card and have access to a range of services. Summary of our services >>> 

Referral for our Carer Assessment Service
When you refer someone for a Carer Assessment, they will also have access to our Universal Service. Before you complete the Carer Assessment Form, please note that we operate a waiting list and recommend you read our Guidance on Referrals >>>

Respite Care
Please note that Sheffield Carers Centre doesn't provide or organise respite care. If this is needed for carer wellbeing, it is delivered as part of the cared-for person’s care package and should be discussed with Adult Social Care

Use one of these forms to refer a carer for either our Universal or Carer Assessment Service

I'm still a carer