We want to ensure that we are continually improving and have recently appointed a new member to our team; and part of their role is to ensure that input from our increasingly diverse range of carers is included in everything we do.

As part of Carers Week 2023, we’ve launched our Involvement Network for current and former carers. The aim is to provide an important avenue for individuals and organisations to come together and collaborate around issues they care about. This collective effort can then be used to create positive development and change in various community environments.

In this short video, Kerry Jones Kensah (our CEO) explains the background to the initiative. We’ve also included some key facts and figures about unpaid caring and the tremendous impact carers provide for their communities. Click here to watch >>>

What is the Involvement Network?

The Involvement Network will provide an important avenue for individuals and organisations to come together and collaborate around issues they care about, with the goal of creating positive change in their communities and more.

We will be creating new areas of work based on what carers have told us, therefore during carers week we are launching the Involvement Network for Sheffield Carer’s Centre (this will be a name for you to decide upon).

There are different ways for you to share your insight, thoughts and ideas that will help to influence and shape your input into other organisations and services. There will be activities that require a very short amount of time which could be signing a petition, or a 2-3 question survey.  There will be one off activities, which are self-contained and will not require any involvement after the initial activity e.g. consultations or surveys, focus groups, case studies, testimonials and interviewing.  We will also have ongoing activities which require an ongoing commitment and allow people to use their experience of caring to shape and develop new areas of work. e.g. members of groups, advisory committees, etc.

We will ask the Involvement Network how they would like to hear about these activities, this could be in the monthly email newsletter, on the website and/or occasional ad hoc emails. This communication will feature the latest opportunities such as surveys, invites to focus groups, sharing a case study, and invites to events.

Have a Louder Voice and join the Involvement Network to help shape our work.

It is completely up to you what you choose to respond to and your choice how often and what you get involved. Please click here to join the network >>>